Friday, 30 January 2009

new post!

i'm changing my post style. so here it goes, i'll experiment with different styles first :P


notice the same person all over again ;P well, there weren't that many people that can be my models other than the photographers themselves. anyway, lazy is getting lazier. so, this is going to be my post style kot? unless i suddenly found something more interesting. hehe.

i need to take more pics! erk, no, i need to edit more pics faster! huuuu

Thursday, 29 January 2009

i've been tagged -_-"

razana tagged me! how dare u...haha

well, i'm bored so lets tag:

1. Do you think you're HOT? - Hot? hmm. i'm hot as in panas je la. haha. i'm no bahan panas.

2. Upload your favourite picture(s) of you -

3. Why do you like that picture? - Hmm, coz the pic looks sooo cool. haha. i guess i'm cool for being in it too ;P run baby run!

4. When was the last time you ate pizza? - Obviously during dominos night with reza and nizam :D

5. The last song u listened to? -
The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age of Understatement

6. What r u doing rite now beside this? -
Hmm, surfing Engadget, chatting @ YM, listening to my iTunes tracks

7. What name would u prefer besides yours? -
Oh, i'm ok with just my name ;)

8. People I Tag:

haha, i dunno nak tag sape :|

9. Who is no. 1? -
My favourite sleeping buddy

10. Who is no. 2? - My favourite tanam anggur buddy

11. Say something about no.5 - When u tanam anggur, u'll always get questions with "erk?" answers

12. How about no. 4? - zzz

13. Who is no. 3? - i cant do thisss

14. Finally, tell about no. 6 - he's got no one to tag lorrr... :P

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

anew has been quite long. i'm back at Malaysia, Shah Alam to be specific ;) and i'm loving the fact that i'm home again and hopefully, for real and for good. coz you know, there are some things that i dont really look forward to when i came back. huhu. anywayyy, now i'm officially a grape planter. or well known as penganggur. haha. now that i have a degree (which me myself still couldnt grasp the significance of having a degree yet), marks a significant (now i know) point in my life. WORK. damn, that strucked me hard. like my cousin said, "once you work, that's what you're going to do for the rest of your life". so, even though i'm really really damn bored like hell now, i guess i should appreciate the "resting period" i'm having right now.

i hope i made my parents proud of this. i can never repay every single blood and sweat they shed for me in making me a successful person in life. i cant thank them enough. but, thank you :)
btw, thats my 2nd bro on the left and my youngest bro on the right. the picture was taken by someone (acknowledged) in front of the Elder Hall, The University of Adelaide: 23rd Dec 2008

the best of buddies, Reza and Nizam. before anyone else terase sbb aku tak mention, u guys arent here yet k? ;P these two bastards entertained me while i had a really2 bad time when i first arrived here, coping with this and that and changes as well. i pansily miss you guys. haha. damn, now that i'm alone, what am i going to do. sigh.

what else have i been doing? eat, eat and eat. i spend most of my savings to treat myself a feast or feasts. haha. we (Faizal, his gf Sofia, Reza, me and Nizam who took this picture) went to Muara Seafood Klang and treated ourselves with a seafood feast. i cant say how much i enjoyed the food! eventho i know some people may say its not the best place, but i dont give a damn, i just got back from AUSTRALIA, the land where i cant get Siakap Masak Tiga Rasa, Sotong Goreng Tepung, Udang Masak Sambal, Pari Bakar, Air Kelapa, Nasi Lemak (what we ate there ;P). thinking back, made me drool again! haha.


back here again. still, some things havent changed. somehow, i didnt saw that many rempits anymore here in Shah Alam (or is it just me?). people still drive insanely fast, which i'm also not sure whether they're running after something or just showing off their big cars or skills of driving or just purely being arrogant? typically Malaysian i think ;P for almost 2 weeks i've settled down here in Shah Alam, i've had a near miss (almost had an accident) for more than 3 times. freaked me out. its just that people didnt care much to give a signal while overtaking/changing lanes and some were just ignorant about their surroundings. sigh, welcome back Syed.

i cant deny myself being a petrol head/speed freak, but i drive sensibly. after all, u cant be slow all the time, coz sometimes being slow increases your chance of getting hit by other fast going cars. bile letak speed limit 110 km/h, bawak 90 je plak kan. sheesh, thats another thing. haha, enough bragging bout Malaysia's Horrible Traffic.

anyway, i guess i should be active (blogging) once again now that i'm bored and lonely. all of my friends are still studying, only few of them worked already, still, none of them are FREE like me. sigh (again).

i welcome myself back to beloved bittersweet Malaysia :)

p/s: sorry to those who checked out my blog now and then to find it not updated ;P


i aint freakin'
i aint fakin' this
shut up and let me go, hey! :D