Wednesday, 5 November 2008

hello world!

typical greeting for a first post eh?

i'm syed and this is my first post of my very first blog :)

to be exact, this won't be similar to normal blogs as i am hoping it would be a photo-blog (well, akan diselit2 with occasional rants and other stuff la kan). i will be needing all the support to keep this blog alive, hahaha.

anyway, enough said, welcome to o b s k u r a ~

and i'm welcoming myself to the blogging world ;)



Muhammad Edwan Shaharir said...


u sack of potatoes.

Razana Adam Lee said...

syed? hihi

.:farayas:. said...

welcome to the blogging world (or photo-blog).. Harap2 ko cukup rajin utk updet aa.. Hehe.. I'll link u a little l8r in the day kot.

syed abdul khaliq said...

edwan: ahaha...i've to learn more from u mash potato!

raz: yup, here i am! welcome la me ;P

farah: thx. i'll stuff this blog with photos la then. until storage full. haha!

ihsan_huhu said...

woho.. satu lg pencabar la tahzan

syed abdul khaliq said...

ihsan: la tahzan glamer sgt do...biase2 je ni

nkecik said...


ihsan_huhu said...

ko nyer link swingingbowl tuh salah r..

xdek 'of'... caye tny n

syed abdul khaliq said...

ye ke...aku buat 3pagi smlm kot...haha kk thx for the notice

Izrul Zainal Abidin said...

sudah berblog plak.. time2 nak exam plak tue.. huhuu
sound2 laa dah ade blog lenkali.. huhuu

syed abdul khaliq said...

haha...tu aa psl...ko bkn online slalu pun, lgpun dah tau ni, bagus la...