Thursday, 12 March 2009


i'm volatile.



i apologize to those close to me. i may not be in my best condition right now. i know i've been selfish, i dismissed your opinions, being over-sensitive and such an ego-maniac.

i wish things could be brighter, easier and happier. give me a chance, and a tad bit more time.

back to the real world~


nkecik said...


syed abdul khaliq said...

huhu thx2

Muhammad Edwan Shaharir said...

ok so what happened now?

syed abdul khaliq said...

nothing. i just felt a bit guilty conscience. eheh...

Muhammad Edwan Shaharir said...

+1 internetz for you.

Haziq Hashim said...

ni ade kene mengena ngan interview aritu ke?

syed abdul khaliq said...

edwan: :D

haziq: haha, takde ah. psl mende lain ni...nothing much la, saje nak rant sket...